
Keep our highways and waterways clean!

Stormwater Links

How Can I Help Reduce Stormwater Pollution?

Doing your part to keep our stormwater clean is easier than you might think. Stormwater pollution comes from numerous sources, but many can be reduced or eliminated through small actions taken around your home, yard and business.

Making small changes such as using organic pesticides and fertilizers, keeping your vehicle clean and maintained, picking up after your pet, ensuring trash is properly disposed, and securing items in your truck-bed can truly reduce stormwater pollution where you live.

Here’s a few tips to get you started:


Properly Dispose Trash And Litter

Keep a small litter bag in your car, and put items in the garbage can when you get home or visit a gas station. If it’s left lying around, it can blow away or fall to the ground and end up in stormwater. Common trash and litter pollutants include:

  • Food wrappers or packaging
  • Plastic containers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Single-use items
  • Face masks or gloves


Secure Your Load

Make sure items on a roof carrier or in your truck bed are secured with tarps and tie-downs or a cargo net. Tools, furniture and items being hauled shouldn’t be able to fly onto the freeway. Be sure to double check that everything is secure before you hit the road. These are common items that fall from truck beds:

  • Luggage
  • Lawn chairs, toys and other recreational items
  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Landscape waste


Clean Up After A Breakdown

When you have a breakdown on the highway and need roadside assistance, make sure no old tires, trash or containers of used motor oil are left behind. Come the next storms, those items create runoff pollutants that get flushed straight into stormways and, in turn, our waterways.

  • Food wrappers or packaging
  • Empty beverage containers
  • Plastic containers
  • Landscape waste


Properly Dispose Large Trash

Large appliances or furniture should be taken to an authorized disposal site. The same goes for large amount of vegetation waste. Check with your town or city to learn if they have curbside pick-up days for large items. Following are examples of items that are often illegally dumped:

  • Appliances
  • Cars & parts
  • Construction tools
  • Electronics
  • Furniture
  • Vegetation piles

If you’re interested in being part of the solution on a larger scale and getting more involved, consider joining a local clean up event! Learn about some of the clean-up programs going on now.

Stormwater pollution